Posted on 2/20/2025

We are reaching the end of winter, and though it's been fairly reasonable, there have been some very cold days this year. With that, our shop has seen its fair amount of charging system issues and questions. A couple that we get often, with all the new electric and hybrid vehicles, are: What is the difference between a lead battery and a lithium battery? Can I switch the type of battery I'm using now? Are there other types of batteries? What kind of battery does a new car have? Here, we'll take a brief look at each question: What is the difference between lead and lithium batteries? This question ends up being both simple and then slightly complicated to answer. Essentially, lithium-ion batteries charge faster, are lighter, last longer, and store more energy than typical lead-acid batteries. Lithium batteries have a higher cost overall than lead-acid batteries, but, as stated, hold more charge and have a longer life. That being said, lithium batteries have a very strenuo ... read more
Posted on 1/4/2025
Whew!! The Holiday season has come, done what it does and left. Now we are all adjusting back into our routines; looking for our own personal fluidity, in our lives. However it's not just us that want things to move smoothly, but also those ever needy vehicles we own, bringing us from place to place. Each fluid is essential to the system it's in, and even the levels sitting low can cause greater damage as time goes on. Below we have some info on two of those fluids, we might not think about all the time in the winter. GAS[FUEL] Often the fuel for the vehicle gets overlooked as only being useful to get it from "Point A" to " Point B". Truthfully that is the main function of this specific fluid; however, the level of gas in your tank does matter, more than just enough to get there. You see low fuel consistently in a vehicle could mean more strain on the fuel pump as it has to push itself harder to siphon the fuel from the tank into the pump. Additionally th ... read more
Posted on 5/14/2024
Tires, tires, tires. They always seem to come up when the roads have any type of precipitation. We all know that we have to have tires that can handle more than one type of season, so that we don't slip and slide all over the road. Additionally it is easy to think the only factor tread depth can have is grip and grip alone. We find it is important to help you know about all the factors in your vehicle maintenance. The temperatures are rising, and with it comes the traffic. We aim to help your tire pressure and your blood pressure. As I was saying we know that Tires are important for helping us stay on the road, in slick road conditions because the thicker the tread depth the more ability it has to disperse the water and prevent "hydro- or aqua- planing". However the same tread that disperses water, also helps disperse heat. That is if it has a proper tread design, as well as thickness. Tire manufacturers are constantly updating their designs for more effective disb ... read more
Posted on 2/23/2024
The new year is here, and has some weird weather with it. With the Weather being as nice as it has been, more people are out enjoying it. This means more vehicles on the roads, more vehicle issues, and more vehicle accidents. According to the Minnesota's Department of Public Safety's Webpage; there have already been 47 deaths, due to vehicle accidents, this year alone. Already almost an eighth of last year's 413 lives lost on our Minnesota Roads. There are simple measures we can all take when driving, that include, but are not limited to: moving over for emergency vehicles & tow-trucks, patience, courtesy, observance, and proper vehicle upkeep. While vehicle upkeep may not seem at the forefront of accident prevention, numbers also don't lie. For example, on average most pedestrian related vehicle accidents happen between 6 P.M and 9 P.M.(according to NHTSA[United States Department of Transportation]). Additionally according to a report in 2015 33,000 accidents ... read more