Posted on 9/20/2022

As we try to make our vehicles last longer then ever in the midwest, we find the drive train holds as the body's fall aport all around us. Why should we rust proof a vehicle ? I come with a Public Works back ground here in the Twin Cities of Minnesota where we love to use salt and calcium chlorde to melt the snow and ice on the roads in the winter. Which works good for that but is horrable for the body and frame of your vehicle. The road cemicals get into the vehicle metal and causes oxidation ( red or brown flaking ). Over time time this damages the vehicle structure and other componits like fuel and brake lines. To stop the oxidation from happing we need to keep the road cemicals off the metal. We do this with paint and other tretments, yet the vehicles still get rust over time and starts falling apart till they are not safe to drive anymore. Most of us want to keep the vehicle nice to get the most for them at trade in or sale, or drive them for 15 to ... read more